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No matter what the personal preference is, they want a well executed option, not one that feels like an afterthought, Wallace says.Identifying the core needs of female masqueraders while flourishing in his creative element is a signature skill that in demand costume designer Shawn Dhanraj seems to repeatedly wield to his advantage. Nine years into his profession, Dhanraj continues to keep an open mind with his design techniques to meet the needs of his clients, a disproportionate number of whom are foreigners who travel to the Caribbean for Carnival. Usually in the past, I would be designing for A to C cups, because that was the standard, the beloved Trinbagonian creative admits. How to Wear the Summer Pants French and Italian Women Love If youre simultaneously obsessed with the latest micro trends and too intimidated to test them out, youve come to the right place. This is Ways to Wear, a monthly series where editor Eliza Huber offers a dose of outfit inspiration centered around current trends that feel intriguing yet overwhelming at the same time. Consider it your guide to actually wearing the coolest items of the moment, no matter how puzzling they might appear at first.If I had to pinpoint one item on my Instagram feed that Ive spotted the most thus far this summer, Id name white trousers without a second Christian Dior Outlet of hesitation. Not only that, but there was an apregrave;s polo party that you know I wasnt missing. The outfit ideas started flowing, and immediately, I started the deep dives on my favorite retail sites to find the perfect outfit. I ended up wearing this yellow and white crochet Staud dress paired with a hat from Brixton and a clutch. Nows your chance to really put yourself back out there in all regards. But if youve got a little trepidation about what to wear on a spring date, dont fret. Ahead, Ive taken it upon myself to round up 25 spring date outfit ideas that youll fall in love with as well as the key pieces to re create the looks at home. There no time for that. Luckily, I did look every last one and in the process, cherry picking those finds that simply cannot go unseen. From Beaufille knits to Tory Burch handbags, scroll down to get in on the action happening right now during Shopbop very limited time designer sale. She topped it off with a final spritz of SexyHair Big Spray Stay Intense Hold Hairspray, polishing back any baby hairs, then tucked one side of the do behind Lohan ear. The end result was a look so sophisticated, even Regina George would be jealous. But of course, Priano didnt do it alone; even Lohan had a say. The system has failed so many people, says Godfrey. Now were seeing data that shows psychedelics helping with opioid withdrawal symptoms and addiction issues. A recent Harvard study notes 30 percent less opioid dependence among magic mushroom users, while smaller studies in New Zealand note ibogainewhich comes from tree roots from the West African rainforesthas significantly decreased relapses among those in recovery.Psychedelics arent necessarily a forever thing.We do not want you dependent on medicine, Markey insists, saying that although psychedelics can help accelerate one mental health journey, they dont work without lifestyle changes proven to boost one mood like meditation, hydration, and even just spending more time outside.
